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Son Of Tarzan

By Edgar Rice Burroughs

About This Book

Isn't that magnificently muscled Britisher actually Lord Graystoke, of Graystoke Hall? He's so polished, yet something about him subtly suggests the innate power of the Beasts of the Jungle.

Look up into the trees — there! It's . . . it's yes, it's the star of a dozen films and over 50 stories: TARZAN!

These books present a much different picture of Tarzan from the old movies most people are familiar with. Tarzan is a cultured English lord — well educated — but with nearly super-human strength and uncanny abilities. Rather than an inarticulate "ape-man" that swings from vines, Tarzan is a cunning and fearless gentleman, whose bizarre and horrifying upbringing — (raised in the Jungle by Apes!) — has left him scarred, yet incredibly strong! The Tarzan classics present a picture of human potentials, and our relationship to the wild.

About Edgar Rice Burroughs

(1875-1950) The Chicago-born creator of one of the best-loved (and often parodied) adventure characters, "Tarzan of the Apes," Edgar Rice Burroughs had also been a soldier, a business executive, a gold miner, a cowboy, and a policeman. After writing "Tarzan" in 1914, he produced more than 20 sequels which were translated into more than 50 languages, and which formed the basis of dozens of films. In 1917, Burroughs also created the character of John Carter of Mars, plus many other adventure tales with a science fiction theme.


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