Do you have a leak? Are you sure? Articles in the Washington Post and in Popular Science indicate that many household appliances constantly leak electricity. Culprits include the VCR, the cable box, answering machines, clock radios, cordless phones, garage door openers, microwave ovens, VCRs, home security systems, your electric range! Most electricity leaks cost only a few pennies a month, but over time the cost (and the waste) adds up, so it's smart to pick energy efficient products. The maintenance you do today keeps the repair persons away. To keep the fridge and freezer fit, dust the air grill (usually at the bottom of the unit) every month and vacuum away any lint and other particles. And then clean the gasket that seals in the cold air. Vacuum the back of the unit three or four times a year to improve air flow. Here's a neat trick.Want to see how the seal is working on your refrigerator? After dark, put a lighted flashlight in the fridge and close the door. Then turn off all the lights. If you can see light around the edge of the seal, you're leaking cool air! Finally, New research suggests that computer workers will suffer less fatigue and strain if the keyboard tilts away from the typist. A 12-degree negative tilt is optimum, according to the ergonomics department at Cornell University. Lowering the keyboard can reduce shoulder strain. That last one definitely applies to me. And that about sums it up for now. Unless of course you want some MORE HOT TIPS! Technically Yours - April May
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