Some of our BookStore Features
No strings, no hidden committments. Just the books you'll love, free for the taking!
These are the books we all always meant to read: The Great Books,
the nourishing books, the ones that have stood the tests of time. Always before there has been . . . well . . . something that got in the
way. The library was closed. You were at the bookstore, but you were in
a hurry. You're out of cash. There's just no more room in the bookcase!
No more of that! Now, at the FreeLook BookStore, you can savor those
magical books and stories that have expanded the horizons and shaped
the minds of generations of knowledgeable people. Download them, own
them, read them, enjoy them! Take as many as you want. Store them on
disk. Read them whenever you want them.
Keep them forever!